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Congrès WCPT


To the global physical therapy and physiotherapy community.

It’s hard to believe that we are already thinking about the WCPT Congress 2019 as we still bask in the glow of Congress 2017 in Cape Town.

And yet we are. The WCPT Congress 2019, taking place 10th – 13th May in Geneva, Switzerland, once again brings the global community together. It is the second event in WCPT’s twice-yearly congress cycle, offering an unparalleled opportunity to collaborate with healthcare and humanitarian organisations.

After unforgettable congresses in Singapore and Cape Town, physical therapists from all over the world have generated an unstoppable momentum, a sense of professional unity, and cross-cultural leadership. It is where the world of physical therapy meets, renewing old friendships while nurturing the future of the profession.

As we have said on many occasions, ‘we meet, we connect, we share, we talk, we laugh, we dine, we create lasting friendships – and because of that, we are better.’

A WCPT member organisation since 1963, physioswiss is getting ready to welcome the world to Geneva and showcase everything the city has to offer. The Congress promises to continue to be a transformative professional experience.

The Congress Programme Committee, chaired by Professor Charlotte Häger, is developing a cutting-edge programme with a variety of session formats. They will ensure that the congress is relevant to every physical therapist, whether you are a clinician, a manager, a researcher, an educator, or professional organisation staff and volunteers. Many physical therapists are serial attendees. We welcome you if you are at the start, in the middle or coming to the close of your professional journey.

These days, it can seem as if the world, and perhaps even our profession, is becoming more fragmented. WCPT aims to create a global community in which every physical therapist feels connected and can exceed even their own expectations. By extending our knowledge and connecting with one another we advance practice for the benefit of populations and the individuals and communities we serve.

We look forward to welcoming everyone to Geneva.

de Vendredi 10 mai
à Lundi 13 mai 2019
Route François-Peyrot 30
1218 Genève


Route François-Peyrot 30
1218 Genève

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de Vendredi 10 mai
à Lundi 13 mai 2019
Route François-Peyrot 30
1218 Genève
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